Published on junio 22nd, 2008 |
by Jesmarin Puente
Dominican Surfers at the International Surfing Day 2008 Manresa Beach Haina
Dominican Surfing Party celebrated the international Surfing Day 2009 at Red Beach Haina beach. some of the activities beach clean up, surf and bodyboard competition and music. Photo Gallery by Adi Palmer.
Tags: adi palmer, Ángel Miguel Mejía, christian haslett, Comisión de Deporte, Comité Olímpico Dominicano COD, daisy saint hilaire, día internacional del surfing 2008, el chinchorro, felicita heredia, Jesmarín Puente, jonathan polanco, José Manuel Henríquez, Luisín Mejía Oviedo, Marcos Saint Hilaire, Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales del Comité Olímpico Dominicano, miguel báez, Néstor Puente, nilda fernández, playa manresa de haina, randy vásquez
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